Marcin Kalinski

Marcin Kalinski

Ola and Dona. Two polish girls in London. Immigrants. Live in one room. Sleep in one bed. Dreaming of happiness and wealth. Dating boys. Looking for love. Waiting for a change.

1.Dona lying on the bed.  2. Ola shows panties in cats before going out on a date  3. Ola lying on the floor and checks Facebook, while Dona takes the place of the bed, also checking Facebook.  4. Girls look at their neighbor's grounds  5-10. Plants at the entrance to the better world of expensive apartments. Belgravia, Kensington, Chelsea, Notting Hill. Places where the girls wanted to be. Wealthy green. 11. Ola sweeping Tinder in hiding  12. Girls agree after a small altercation.

Kalee Appleton

Kalee Appleton

Sébastien Tixier

Sébastien Tixier

brain tube