Francesca Maria Fiorella

Francesca Maria Fiorella

Enea, the First Refugee | Messapia is the name that the Greeks gave to Salento, and it means "land between two seas", the Ionian and the Adriatic Sea. Located in the Eastern point of Italy, it is a peninsula of passage for migrants, as well as one of the most important routes in the myth geography.

It is here that Virgil tells the landing of Aeneas in the “humilis Italia”; it is here that, to date, stopping thousands of refugees who, like him, run away from their land and cross the Mediterranean Sea.

Starting from the consideration of what can be powerful classicism, I develop my research linking the mythological narrative to contemporary and put in the relationship and compare two stories: the escape and the arrival of.

The images that describe them come to confuse the subject, disclosing sluggishness and fatigue of travel and recalling symbols and details that the traveler instinctively picks, almost survival, to get immediate answers to the uncertainty of his fate.

Amandine Joannes

Amandine Joannes

Harris Steinman

Harris Steinman

brain tube