Caitlin Loi

Caitlin Loi

All That There Is | ‘All That There Is’ developed from reflections.

Reflections over the past few years and recognising my own thoughts and feelings with my growth journey. It is a visual diary of how I have felt based on my surroundings and an outlet for me to express the ambiguous nature of the in-between. ‘All That There Is’ comes from a place of anxiety and fear of the future but also as a reminder to myself that what’s in front of me is, all that there is, and I don’t have to constantly overthink life and all of its many obstacles but can at least try my best, that being all we can do.

Ileana Doble Hernandez

Ileana Doble Hernandez

Kurnia Ngayuga Wibowo

Kurnia Ngayuga Wibowo

brain tube